Five Easy Steps to Franchising
Step 1: Connect with SVN for a personalized business discovery conversation.
We begin by learning more about your business so that we can better understand your business needs. This helps us customize the diligence process to determine if we can be a compatible and profitable fit to better meet your company’s goals.
- Business needs assessment and operations review to learn more about any issues and strengths.
- Gain a strong understanding of the current and future opportunities available to your business.
- Assess the cultural fit.
Step 2: Receive and Review your Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD).
The FDD is a Federally required document that all franchisers must provide to prospects interested in their franchise offering.
- Answer any questions that you may have about the FDD.
- Better understand the investment and obligations of both SVN and yourself.
- Review the agreement types and discuss qualifications required.
Step 3: Customized due diligence plan created for your review.
Based on your business needs SVN will provide a wide array of informational opportunities that may include;
- Personal visits.
- Live and recorded webinars.
- Custom demonstrations of our products and tools.
- Invitations to SVN Events.
- Marketing materials, brochures, and sample packets.
- Conversations with existing SVN Franchisees and corporate staff.
Step 4: Complete your application and submit to SVN for review.
At this time you will be emailed your Franchisee Application and Background Authorization Forms.
- Complete application and submit for approval.
- Our application process includes; Credit, Criminal, and a Reference Investigation.
- Review by Executive Management Selection Committee.
- Preliminary transition plan discussed and created.
Step 5: Franchise Agreement prepared and delivered.
Upon approval by our Selection Committee, you will be issued your personalized Franchise Agreement and are ready to join SVN.
- Sign and return your Franchise Agreement after a 7 day “waiting period.”
- Agreement becomes official when countersigned by SVNIC.
- You will receive a personal welcome call and email allowing access to our systems.
- Announcement made on National Sales Call.
- Onboarding Program and transition plan implemented.